據說紐約的第一家披薩店是由1897年來到紐約的意大利移民Gennaro Lombardi開的。1905年,他開了自己的第一家餐廳,很快就有了一批忠實的顧客,其中包括意大利男高音Enrico Caruso。
The story goes that the first pizzeria in New York was opened by Gennaro Lombardi, an Italian immigrant who arrived in 1897 and set up a shop selling tomato pies wrapped in paper and tied with a string. In 1905 he opened his first restaurant, which soon acquired a loyal clientele, including Italian tenor Enrico Caruso.
受這個人物及其曆史的啟發,Styles Graphics工作室為拉普拉塔市的Gennaro餐廳設計概念、設計和裝飾,該餐廳的主要產品是紐約風格的披薩。
Inspired by this character and its history, the studio“Styles Graphics”developed the concept, design and decoration for Gennaro’s, a restaurant in the city of La Plata where the main product offered is the New York style pizza.
項目名稱:Gennaro’s Pizza & Burger
設計公司:Estilos Graficos