harquitectes翻新了巴塞羅那工人階級社區barri de sants的傳統建築lleialtat santsenca市民中心,該項目入圍了2019年密斯獎。設計過程由三個因素驅動——對場地曆史價值的理解,對原建築結構磚和裝飾細節的保護,以及對社區組織發起的重建建築的合作過程的敏感性。由此產生的項目包括三個結構體。兩個主要體量向街道兩側開放,由一個內向的l形體塊連接。
harquitectes renovates the lleialtat santsenca civic center, a heritage building in the working class neighborhood of barri de sants, barcelona. the design process was driven by three factors — an understanding of the historic value of the site, preservation of the structural brickwork and cosmetic detailing of the original building, and a sensitivity to the collaborative process initiated by neighborhood organizations to recover the building. the resulting project comprises three structural bodies. two primary volumes open to the street on either side, linked by an inward-looking L-shaped body.
the derelict nature of the original construction, encouraged harquitectes to introduce a large longitudinal void, joining the three volumes. each space — new and old — is linked through a gradual progression, from the more public to the more private spaces. meanwhile an interior triple height void configures an atrium characterized by ‘new’ facades created from the preexisting party walls, which exhibit the memory of the building’s history.
這個中庭為每個空間帶來光線和自然通風,作為水平和垂直循環的軸線,為不可預見的項目提供了新的可能性。中庭的設計靈感來自於lina bo bardi的teatro oficina,中庭是一個中間區域,通過一係列的通道和樓梯組織交通,讓人想起建築工地的腳手架。
this atrium brings light and natural ventilation to each space, serving as the axis of the horizontal and vertical circulations, and offering new potential for unforeseen programs. inspired in lina bo bardi’s teatro oficina, the atrium is an intermediate zone that organizes the circulation through a series of catwalks and stairs that evoke the image of construction site scaffolding.
as the existing roofs were beyond repair, only the trusses in the main hall were preserved. a new roof encloses the entire building, volumetrically expressing the three structural bodies. three gable roofs, with cellular polycarbonate to the south and insulated metal sheet to the north, above a metal structure, illuminate and ventilate the atrium, with windows in the highest corners to encourage passive heating through solar gain. during the summer, hot air is released through the roof ridge windows, opened by automatic sensors.
∇ 總平麵圖 site plan
∇ 軸測剖視圖 pictorial setion view
∇ 平麵圖 plans
∇ 立麵圖 elevations
∇ 剖麵圖 sections
項目名稱:lleialtat santsenca civic center
設計團隊:societat orgànica (consultoria medioambiental), DSM arquitectes (estructura), VIDAL enginyeria i consultoria (instal·lacions), i2A (acústica), aumedes DAP (amidaments), chroma rehabilitacions integrals (restauració façana), ESITEC enginyeria (inst. audiovisual)
合作夥伴:montse fornés, berta romeo, jordi mitjans, carla piñol, blai cabrero bosch, toni jiménez, jorge suárez kilzi
攝影:adrià goula