
This office is the workspace of Studio11 – a young team of architects and designers from Belarus – and is based in Minsk. The layout consists of two workrooms, a kitchen, a separate room with materials and samples and a water closet. The interior did not have any initial stylistic orientation and was formed gradually. It is safe to say that this space gathers up our professional preferences and is a physical expression of personal philosophy in design. Here one can find a number of techniques and objects that were used in our projects. One such element is a ceramic module which we developed for one of our interior projects. Things like this are very dear to us they fill the workspace with personal history and additional internal meaning. Such things are very dear to us. They fill the workspace with personal history and additional internal value.





總的來說,我們的辦公室是從現代潮流的角度重新詮釋現代主義藝術。內部功能齊全,並結合形狀和顏色上進行了設計。粗糙的混凝土地板,塗上淺灰色,地板可以看見所有毛孔和裂縫。 天花板是鋼筋混凝土板的表麵。牆麵部分漆成藍色色調,牆麵的頂部采用有磨損的白色石膏飾麵。窗簾具有相同的色彩布局,增加了牆麵的構圖完整性。空間有一個相當小的玻璃磚牆隔斷,這個設計展示了這種材料的價值。

In general, our office is a reinterpretation of the modernist artistic thrust from the perspective of modern trends. The interior looks functional, sterile and is compositionally verified in shape and colour. The floor is a rough concrete screed painted in light grey, almost white colour. The surface is very lively, keeping all the pores and cracks. The ceiling is nothing more than the surface of reinforced concrete slabs. The walls are partially painted in a complex blue hue in one horizontal level, and the top of the walls has a worn white plaster finish. The curtains have the same colour layout, which adds compositional integrity to the walls. There is one rather small wall partition that is made of glass blocks, which showcases the value of this magnificent material.






廚房區域的核心部分是一個中島,上方懸掛著圓形吊燈。中島和吊燈與牆壁一起構成了一個清新完整的畫麵。主工作室的牆壁被一幅年輕的白俄羅斯藝術家紮哈爾庫丁(Zakhar Kudin)的巨幅畫作點燃。這幅畫的大膽精神使人想起上個世紀初野獸派作品。這種表達方式釋放了空間的拘束性,它身旁的創新沙發床與這幅畫構成完美的畫麵,創造了相當精致的形象。在這喧囂空曠的空間裏,舒適的環境是由綠色植物、平麵作品、蘇聯時期的家具以及各種麵料、材料和產品的樣品創造出來的。

The centrepiece of the kitchen area is a clean volume of salmon colour dining island with airy round pending lamps. Together with the walls, the island and the light balls create a clear formal composition of colour and shape. The wall of the main workspace is set on fire by a huge painting of a young Belarusian artist Zakhar Kudin. The bodacious spirit of the painting reminds of the Fauvists’ works of the beginning of the previous century. Such expression organically smooths the restrained character of space. The composition is complemented by a nearby standing Innovation daybed. Together they create a rather fin de siècle image of a modern interpretation of the “Barcelona Day Bed” by Mies van der Rohe set against a Matisse story. The cosiness in this loud emptiness is created by green plants, graphic works, furniture of the Soviet period and all kinds of samples of fabrics, materials and products.









∇ 平麵圖 plan

項目名稱:Studio11 Minsk Office
攝影:Dmitry Tsyrencshikov


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