美國Graham Baba建築事務所從地下酒吧和冒險小說中得到靈感,在亞馬遜西雅圖總部The Spheres內設計了一個昏暗的酒吧,室內充滿了古怪和自然靈感的裝飾,如幹燥的植物和標本。

US studio Graham Baba Architects took cues from speakeasies and adventure novels to create a dimly lit bar in Seattle filled with oddities and nature-inspired decor, such as dried plants and taxidermy.

Graham Baba Architects設計的酒吧旨在喚起人們旅行的感覺。該團隊在一份項目描述中說,遊客一進門,就沿著緩坡向下走,進入一個避開極簡主義的環境,享受“豐富的材料和物體”。

Local studio Graham Baba Architects designed the bar to evoke the sensation of being on a journey.Upon entering, visitors travel down a gently sloping ramp and step into an environment that eschews minimalism in favour of “a rich array of materials and objects”, the team said in a project description.


餐飲空間,西雅圖,亞馬遜球體總部,DEEP DIVE酒吧,國外酒吧設計

餐飲空間,西雅圖,亞馬遜球體總部,DEEP DIVE酒吧,國外酒吧設計



“Loosely inspired by a 1920s speakeasy, Deep Dive takes its aesthetic inspiration from the worlds of Charles Darwin and Jules Verne, capturing the human spirit of curiosity and imagination,” the team said, referring to the British naturalist and the French novelist.

這個麵積為156平方米的地下室被分為一個主要房間和一個更為私密的空間,稱為圖書館。室內設計由總部位於西雅圖的Charlie Hellstern監督。

The 1,677-square-foot (156-square-metre) speakeasy is divided into a main room and a more intimate space called the library. Interior design was overseen by Seattle-based Charlie Hellstern.


餐飲空間,西雅圖,亞馬遜球體總部,DEEP DIVE酒吧,國外酒吧設計

餐飲空間,西雅圖,亞馬遜球體總部,DEEP DIVE酒吧,國外酒吧設計


主要區域光線柔和,擁有深色的牆壁,木地板和石頂酒吧。 天花板,由鋼絲帶製成的天花板裝置增加了視覺趣味,同時還隱藏了機械設備。

Dimply lit, the main area features dark walls, wooden flooring and a stone-topped bar. Overhead, a ceiling installation made of steel ribbons adds visual interest while also concealing mechanical equipment.


Various types of seating – including a tufted banquette – are upholstered with dark blue velvet. The bar is lined with glass cloches filled with dried plants and small taxidermy.A glass-and-steel wall separates the main area from the library. Lush fabrics, dark-stained wood and antique furnishings were incorporated into the cosy nook.


餐飲空間,西雅圖,亞馬遜球體總部,DEEP DIVE酒吧,國外酒吧設計

餐飲空間,西雅圖,亞馬遜球體總部,DEEP DIVE酒吧,國外酒吧設計

餐飲空間,西雅圖,亞馬遜球體總部,DEEP DIVE酒吧,國外酒吧設計

餐飲空間,西雅圖,亞馬遜球體總部,DEEP DIVE酒吧,國外酒吧設計

設計公司:Graham Baba Architects
室內監理:Charlie Hellstern Interior Design
結構設計:Okano Picard Studio
攝影:Haris Kenjar


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