新加坡Cairnhill Law新辦事處為Verdant Spine辦公室內設計了一個輕鬆的自然工作環境。從整體品牌戰略和辦公室名稱中汲取靈感,采用了自然的地球色調和材料觸感,補充空間中的曲線造型。

This new office for Cairnhill Law in Singapore offers a relaxed biophilic environment to a rather demanding profession. Taking cues from the overall branding strategy and name of the office, we adopted a natural palette of earthly accents and material tactility to complement the curvilinear ‘’landforms’’. We were involved in the holistic design of the office from the interior design, furniture design to the various branding elements.


The spatial organisation is anchored by a linear architectural datum which incorporates storage, shelving, printing station, an informal meeting niche and an overhanging spine of flora. The aesthetics of the greenery draws inspiration from the tropical rainforest and was intentionally designed to be on the wild side, reflective of the flora in this region. Pockets of planters were carved out from the carpentry and placed strategically to allow the vines to grow and connect through the dried lianas overtime.


辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM



The curvilinear geometry of the partitions and carpentry are inspired by both natural landforms and vernacular architecture. The ‘’landform’’ aspect of the design takes on a rough textured stucco finish.The meeting room is an abstract of the vernacular communal longhouse.


辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM



The overhanging 3m long rattan canopy was designed in tandem with the meeting table to mirror each other in dimension and 2-dimensional geometry. The contrast of the custom meeting table surface against the dark charcoal painterly walls adds to the overall atmosphere of being in a primitive hut. On a smaller scale, the work cubicles were designed to provide more visual privacy through partitions and rattan woven screens, configured to provide a balance between privacy and communication with the legal associates in their individual rooms.


辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM


∇ 分析圖 analysis

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM


∇ 平麵圖 plan

辦公空間,國外辦公設計,新加坡,erdant Spine辦公室,Studio SKLIM

項目名稱:Verdant Spine Office
項目麵積:135 平方米
設計公司:Studio SKLIM
攝影:Khoo Guojie


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