在東京的中心區,I IN將德國啤酒廳的傳統帶到了日本,他們設計了啤酒廳SCHMATZ。酒吧位於波紋狀金屬集裝箱內,外部呈現出工業美感。進入室內後,客人則被包裹在溫暖的氛圍中。木質的質感,空間的黑色和銅色調,給空間帶來了更現代的感覺。熱狗狀的大霓虹燈裝飾著牆壁,增添了一種趣味感。

situated within a central location of tokyo, I IN brings the tradition of german beer halls to japan with their design of the beer dining restaurant ‘SCHMATZ’. housed within a corrugated metal shipping container, the exterior of the bar evokes an industrial aesthetic. however, upon entering inside, patrons are greeted by a contrasting warm interior, filled with timber and soft lighting. after stepping into the shipping container, visitors are transported into a surprisingly cozy interior. the design by I IN utilizes a material palette of warm timber on the floor and wall surfaces to wrap patrons in a warm atmosphere.moveover, big neon hotdogs adorn the wall, adding a playful touch.



the design of SCHMATZ has been inspired by the context of tokyo dome, which is nearby a famous baseball stadium. with this in mind, the bar has been envisioned by I IN to fit within the sporty and trendy atmosphere of the area. with its close proximity to the venue, the bar serves as the ideal place for sports fans to enjoy authentic german beer and food after watching a match.


餐飲空間,國外酒吧設計,啤酒屋,集裝箱,東京,I IN

餐飲空間,國外酒吧設計,啤酒屋,集裝箱,東京,I IN

餐飲空間,國外酒吧設計,啤酒屋,集裝箱,東京,I IN

餐飲空間,國外酒吧設計,啤酒屋,集裝箱,東京,I IN

餐飲空間,國外酒吧設計,啤酒屋,集裝箱,東京,I IN

餐飲空間,國外酒吧設計,啤酒屋,集裝箱,東京,I IN

項目名稱:SCHMATZ beer stand
設計公司:I IN
客戶:Kaiser Kitchen
攝影:tomooki kengaku


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