在斯德哥爾摩Gävlegatan18的簡樸建築後麵,一個神秘的環境開啟了。右邊是一座大型建築,有許多小窗戶,正前方是一座彎曲的大樓。為什麼有這麼多小窗戶?為什麼會有這種高貴的彎曲?所有這些現在都是Nobis新酒店Blique的一部分。這座麵朝街道的樸素建築,由Sigurd Lewerentz設計,他是20世紀瑞典具有代表性的人物。

Behind the sober building at Gävlegatan 18 in Stockholm, a mystical environment opens up. To the right stands a large building with many small windows and straight ahead is a bent one. Why all these little windows? And why this noble bend? All of it is now part of Nobis’s new hotel, Blique. The sober building facing the street, was designed by Sigurd Lewerentz, the most ingenious individual of the twentieth century in Sweden.



The buildings were constructed in 1930–31 for the Philips Corporation of Sweden. The one facing the street was for offices and the one toward the courtyard a warehouse. That explains the small windows, but there are more mysteries here to be solved.


酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造

酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造


這座彎曲的建築是1990年按照Alenius Silfverhielm Ahlund的設計建造的。它高貴的彎曲造型與文藝複興晚期羅馬宮殿相呼應,這是一個複雜的建築。現在這個綜合體已經被改造成酒店,還增加了幾層。這個附加部分是由Sweco設計的,而Wingardhs負責將整個綜合體改造成一個城市酒店。

The bent building was constructed in 1990 according to designs by Alenius Silfverhielm Åhlund. Its noble bend is an echo of the Roman palaces of the late Renaissance, a complex architecture that the theory-conscious architects here gave a Nordic interpretation. Now that the complex has been converted into a hotel, a couple more floors have been added. This addition was designed by Sweco, while Wingårdhs was responsible for the metamorphosis of the complex as a whole to become a hotel.


酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造

酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造



The office building is now the hotel’s event and conference facility, while the buildings on the courtyard hold its 249 guest rooms. Their design is based on Lewerentz’s no-nonsense approach. We’ve left the concrete essentially just as we found it, and most of the additional elements are made of polished concrete or steel. The idea is that the straightforward materials make a night in the hotel an appropriately anonymous and pleasantly discreet experience.


酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造

酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造

酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造

酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造

酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造

酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造

酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造

酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造

酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造

酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造

酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造

酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造

酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造


∇ 入口平麵圖 Entrance plan
酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造

∇ 平麵圖 plans
酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造

酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造

∇ 屋頂平麵圖 rooftop plan
酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造

∇ 剖麵圖 section
酒店空間,國外酒店設計,Wingardh arkitektkontor,斯德哥爾摩,建築改造

項目名稱:Bobque Hotel by Nobis
設計公司:Wingardh arkitektkontor
設計團隊:Kajsa Johanson, Disa Reuterswärd
攝影:Bruno Ehrs & André Pihl


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