
Shanghai is one of the most dynamic cities in the world and has always set the benchmark for the most fashionable lifestyle in China. In its own unique way, the city is the epitome of an international metropolis filled with glamour as well as drama. On another level, Shanghai is also the original birthplace of Cinematic Art in China, this provides the city a special position irreplaceable within the history and development of Chinese Cinema. In this uniquely rich context steeped in meaning and history, Shanghai Film Corporation (SFC) has launched their top cineplex called “MAISON MUSE by Shanghai Film” as one of their iconic flagship in the city for movie lovers as well as the movie industry players that gravitate towards Shanghai. The goal here is to create a unique branding for Shanghai Film with this concept of “MAISON MUSE” that will be uniquely artistic, international and contemporary at the same time.


商業空間,上海,電影院設計,上影影城,MAISON MUSE,Alexander Wong



簡而言之,MAISON MUSE,其名稱來自“Muse”,它代表了所有靈感的來源,無論是對劇本作者、導演、製片人、演員、布景設計師、音樂家、電影攝影師、聲音編輯,還是上海電影業中所有其他可以想象的行業參與者,無論是藝術靈感還是其他靈感。最重要的是,它是“博物館”和“娛樂”兩個詞的雙關語,這兩種元素都為上海這座特殊的電影院的設計做出了貢獻。畢竟,電影是一種合法的藝術形式,隻有在最好的設施和最好的環境下才能被公眾充分欣賞。

Simply put, MAISON MUSE, with its name from the word “Muse”, represents the source of all inspirations, artistic or otherwise, for the script writers, directors, producers, actors, set designers, musicians, cinematographers, sound editors, and every other conceivable industry players within the movie industry in Shanghai. On top, it is a pun on the word “Museum”, and the word “Amuse”, both essences contributing towards the design of this special cinema in Shanghai. After all, cinema is a legitimate art form which could only be fully appreciated by the public with the best facilities and within the best possible environment.


商業空間,上海,電影院設計,上影影城,MAISON MUSE,Alexander Wong


電影概念畫廊 A Concept Gallery for Films

受到Carlo Scarpa,當代藝術家,前衛雕塑家如Olafur Eliasson,Anish Kapoor和Joseph Dirand等人的啟發,Maison Muse是一個電影概念畫廊。到達主要大廳,名為Gallery MUSE,其中包括MUSE票房和Cafe Teasoon,與大多數其他購物中心電影院相比,人們可以立即感受到MUSE空間美學的巨大差異。到達時,人們將體驗到一個充滿幻想的空間,散發出低調,溫暖和熱情的姿態,同時為所有客戶或訪客帶來藝術和複雜的效果。

Inspired by Carlo Scarpa, contemporary artists, avant garde sculptors like Olafur Eliasson, Anish Kapoor, Joseph Dirand and many others, Maison Muse is a concept gallery for films. Arriving at the main lobby called Gallery MUSE which consists of the MUSE Box Office and Cafe Teasoon, one is immediately able to sense a big difference in spatial aesthetics of MUSE when compared to most other shopping mall cinemas. At arrival, one will experience a visionary space exuding an understated, warm & welcoming gesture whilst invoking an artistic and sophisticated effect to all customers or visitors alike. Patrons of the international crowd, famous celebs and discerning cinema-goers will be struck by the relatively quiet but strong artistic ambience in this “Front of House” Area.


作為設計一種前所未有的電影類型的全新方法,這裏的概念是創造一個MAISON MUSE作為電影和畫廊般的地標,具有明確的身份,作為體現複雜生活方式的包裝的領導者麵向未來的視覺娛樂。作為當代藝術的概念畫廊,受到米蘭意大利Avant Garde Fondazione Prada的啟發,這個具有開創性的電影院將分為四個不同的區域。

Conceived as a totally new approach in designing a never-before-seen type of Cinema, the concept here is to create MAISON MUSE as a cinematic as well as gallery-like landmark with a clear identity as the leader of the pack embodying a sophisticated lifestyle for the future in visual entertainment. Created as a Concept Gallery for Contemporary Art and also inspired by the Italian Avant Garde Fondazione Prada in Milan, this major ground-breaking cinema complex will be divided into four distinct zones.


商業空間,上海,電影院設計,上影影城,MAISON MUSE,Alexander Wong



“Gallery Muse” is the Main Lobby consisting of the Box Office & the Cafe which is dominated by the stepped pyramid ceiling leading to artificial skylights and giant circular elements expressed as signage or abstract art pieces. The word Gallery signifies that a movie is an art form which must be appreciated in the right artistic environment.


商業空間,上海,電影院設計,上影影城,MAISON MUSE,Alexander Wong

商業空間,上海,電影院設計,上影影城,MAISON MUSE,Alexander Wong


“Long Studio”是Concession Bar所在的長走廊空間。這個區域類似於藝術畫廊內的一個輕鬆的展覽區域,也引導電影觀眾到9號和10號工作室。“工作室”這個詞意味著,電影藝術就像任何其他藝術形式一樣,在成為現實之前,需要在製作工作室裏付出大量的勞動。

“Long Studio” is the long corridor space where the Concession Bar is located. This area resembles a relaxed exhibition area within an art gallery and also leads the cinema-goers to Studio 9 & 10. The word “Studio” implies that cinema art is like any other art forms requiring a lot of hard labor inside a production studio before it could become a reality.


“藍色實驗室”是歌劇區域,通向IMAX Xinema和Cinema Lab 7&8。“Lab”將文件作為一種技術形式,必須不斷更新,否則它將變得過時。電影攝影的起源是靜態攝影的動畫形式,“Lab”一詞暗指電影作為一種藝術形式,與攝影中使用的暗室密切相關。

“Blue Lab” is an operatic area in ultraviolet blue leading to the IMAX Xinema and Cinema Lab 7 & 8. Ther word “Lab” presents filem as a form of technology which must be constantly updated or else it will become obsolete. The origin of cinematography is an animated form of still photography, and the word “Lab” implies film as a form of art that is closely related to the darkrooms used in photography.


商業空間,上海,電影院設計,上影影城,MAISON MUSE,Alexander Wong

商業空間,上海,電影院設計,上影影城,MAISON MUSE,Alexander Wong

商業空間,上海,電影院設計,上影影城,MAISON MUSE,Alexander Wong

商業空間,上海,電影院設計,上影影城,MAISON MUSE,Alexander Wong

商業空間,上海,電影院設計,上影影城,MAISON MUSE,Alexander Wong


“霓虹燈閣樓”是一個強烈的隧道般的空間,染成紫紅色,通往大多數電影院。這個區域受到80年代Avant Garder電影院的啟發,充滿了這種夢幻色彩,暗指一個幸福的隧道,霓虹燈入口在高光澤的牆麵上產生斜反射。

“Neon Loft” is an intense tunnel-like space dyed in fuchsia leading to most of the cinema houses. This area is very much inspired by the Avant Garder Cinema of the 80’s filled with this fantasu color that alludes toward a blissful tunnel with neon portals creating oblique reflections on high gloss wall surfaces.


商業空間,上海,電影院設計,上影影城,MAISON MUSE,Alexander Wong

商業空間,上海,電影院設計,上影影城,MAISON MUSE,Alexander Wong



The idea of “Loft” originates from a concept that films should best to be treated as part of our lives and one which cannot be sparated from our living environtment (in the form of an artist loft” for any filmakers or movie goers.


商業空間,上海,電影院設計,上影影城,MAISON MUSE,Alexander Wong

商業空間,上海,電影院設計,上影影城,MAISON MUSE,Alexander Wong


在這裏,設計意圖非常明確和簡單:建造一個電影文化博物館,讓欣賞任何電影的過程就像參觀一個藝術畫廊。在這方麵,許多靈感來自現代藝術畫廊和博物館的空間,包括Fondazione Prada。最後但同樣重要的是,不要忘記提到令人驚歎的Skyfall洗手間,這是一項將衛生與自然和科技融為一體的原創探索。

Here, the design intent is very clear and simple: to build a film culture museum so the process of enjoying any movie is like visiting an art gallery. In this respect, a lot of inspirations come from the spatial quality of modern art galleries and museums including Fondazione Prada.Last but not least, one must not forget to mention the stunning Skyfall Restrooms, an original exploration in mixing hygiene with nature and technology.


商業空間,上海,電影院設計,上影影城,MAISON MUSE,Alexander Wong

商業空間,上海,電影院設計,上影影城,MAISON MUSE,Alexander Wong

商業空間,上海,電影院設計,上影影城,MAISON MUSE,Alexander Wong

項目名稱:上海上影MAISON MUSE電影城
設計公司:Alexander Wong Architects王士維建築師事務所
攝影:Josh Tam


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