當意大利汽車銷售公司Autostar集團決定在烏迪內建立一個聯合工作和研究空間時,他們委托了當地工作室Visual Display來為他們進行室內設計和品牌推廣。Star Hub是一個無邊界的工作空間,這源於該小組的目標是擁有一個能進行實驗和公開交流想法的場所。為了表達團隊的非傳統理念,設計師將空間視為棲息地而不是辦公室。
When Autostar Group – an Italian company specialized in car sales – made the decision to build a co-working and research space in Udine, they turned to local studio Visual Display for the its interior design and branding. Star Hub, the result of that brief, is a borderless workspace born from the group’s aim to have a place for experimentation and the open sharing of ideas. To express the unconventional ideals of the group, the designers treated the space as a habitat rather than an office.
Visual Display在設計這個400平方米的室內空間時,考慮到了舒適性、靈活性和私密性。該空間最多可容納50人,其開發目的是使這些用戶擺脫固定工作站和標準時間表的限製。沒有分配單獨的和共享的工作區,這增強了每個區域的功能,並允許員工每次在不同的地方工作,即使他們選擇在沙發上也可以。可布置模塊化家具,包括定製設計和來自Fantoni,Desalto,ICF,La Cividina,Tabula和Torre 1961的作品的組合,以便該場地可用於活動,會議,講習班和攝影。
Visual Display devised the 400-sq-m interiors with comfort, flexibility and privacy in mind. The space can accommodate up to 50 people and is developed to free those users from the restrictions of fixed workstations and standard timetables. Individual and shared workspaces are not assigned, which boosts each area’s functionality and allows employees to work from a different spot every time – even from the sofa, if they choose so. Modular furnishings – a combination of custom designs and pieces from Fantoni, Desalto, ICF, La Cividina, Tabula and Torre 1961 – can be arranged so that the venue can be utilized for events, meetings, workshops and photography.
項目名稱:Star Hub
設計公司:Visual Display