
Focus on Education, Display an Entertainment Space


摘要 Description



WESODA Play Center, focusing on the all-around development of children, is a pioneering education-in-play brand in the modern- day. WESODA chose Lego teaching AIDS as the main learning tool. Rubik’s Cube, full of infinite possibilities, will stimulate children’s infinite potential, while Lego has the “modular” characteristic. This inspires us to work out this project.


教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio


場地背景 Site Condition



The project is located on the 7th floor of Xinguang Tiandi Commercial Building, Yubei District, Chongqing. The space is 27 meters long and 3.8 meters wide. Due to the location in the mature commercial body, there are certain restrictions in planning and construction. How to renovate it in a short time but with the lowest cost is what we need to consider.


教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio


設計概念 Design concept



First of all, we combined WESODA’s teaching background and philosophy, with building blocks, Rubik’s cube and modularization as the design keywords, we enlarged the Rubik’s cube toys that children are familiar with daily, and created a “toy classroom” by using new “walls” to create new spatial relations without changing the original walls.


教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio

教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio

教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio

教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio

教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio


牆體設計 Wall design



With limited time and funds, we deliberated for a long time and finally decided to retain the ceiling and floor of the original shop and renovate the wall in the size of 600*600 which is the most suitable for the space division and storage space requirements of the project. The new wall does not directly touch the ceiling, fully utilizing the original lighting design and greatly saving design and construction time.


教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio

教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio

教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio


材質選擇 Material choice



We try our best to work out cost-effective production and construction methods while maintaining its beauty. Aluminum profiles, as a unique extrusion material, are durable, easy to disassemble, fast to build, and convenient to join various accessories and wires. That’s why we choose them as our main materials for building. Besides, this kind of material offers this slender space more structural possibilities. However, considering that the aluminum profile is too light in quality, which will produce a plastic landing effect when it is used in a large area in the classroom, we have compared the materials of multiple versions, including aluminum plate, aluminum plastic board, acrylic board and sunshine board. And finally selected the high-density sponge board with high hardness, good-sound absorption effect and easy-cutting characteristics. Moreover, high-density sponge boards feel delicate, soft and comfortable, perfectly ensuring children’s safety. Because a high-density sponge board is easy to be colored, the combination color design of Rubik’s cube in the later stage will offer us a better “light” visual effect to a certain extent. At the same time, combined with the large area of glass windows, the whole space appears light and transparent.


教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio

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教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio


色彩選擇 Colour choice



Studies have shown that color can not only stimulate children’s visual nerves, and also has a close relationship with their mental development and emotional stability, so we should select suitable colors to guide their healthy growth. Then, in space, we chose WESODA brand’s vivid color, expecting to stimulate children’s visual effect, and the rich interesting wall graphic design is able to stimulate children’s imagination.


教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio

教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio

教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio

教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio

教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio

教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio


模塊化 Modular



Modular space design is the basic unit of space that is replicable. The design also aims to adapt to the changing educational environment. Aluminum profiles, light and easy to disassemble, can be expanded and scaled to suit different activity needs, and can be completely dismantled and recycled in accordance with the principles of the circular economy.


The narrow-down space shows four blockhouses, which are equipped with classrooms, discussion rooms, offices and recreational activities. Seen from the outside, it is like a big toy, attracting children to see the small world inside. At the same time, it also offers more thoughts for how to rapidly create functional space.


教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio

教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio

教室設計,教學中心設計,教育空間設計,重慶教室設計,重慶教學中心設計,重慶教育空間設計,WESODA魔方教室,重慶WESODA魔方教室,itD studio



設計公司:itD studio
主創及設計團隊:羅珮綺/蘇誌展/itD studio



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