
MonAmi is a talented pianist of Chinese descent, who has revealed his musical talents very early, and is a collection of masterpieces from many schools. The perfect and delicate style of performance is just like her understanding of life. Music critics once commented on MonAmi’s performance. Her piano can convey a variety of different tones, thereby expressing all kinds of thoughts and emotions. Her performance can accurately match the mood in the song, but she does not blindly follow the original. As Heidegger said, “Humans are contradictory individuals.”







The entrance of theapartment is a huge mosaic wall made by hand. The inspiration of green and goldis the memory of monami Morocco. It is a wonderful experience. It will resonatefrom the Mediterranean as soon as you enter the apartment.




靈動不乏奢華氣息,並常以大量深色係貫穿,這是MonAmi深入人心的視覺標簽,而這一點在她位於亞洲的“第三空間”亦得到充分體現。近日這位天才華裔演奏家敞開家門,這間被她稱為「Home of perfection至臻之家」的深色調現代公寓是與之“最默契”的合作夥伴、空間設計師林彥先生連袂打造,當中更可看到Clara Schumann(克拉拉·舒曼)肖像、雕塑感的MILLER家具、比利時KAFT手工毯。一起跟隨深入MonAmi座落於“內海灣”邊上的幕後私人空間。

There is no lack ofluxury, and it often runs through a large number of dark colors. This ismonami’s popular visual label, which is fully reflected in her “thirdspace” in Asia. Recently, the talented Chinese performer opened her home.This dark tone modern apartment, which she called “home ofperfection”, was jointly built with her “most tacit” partner andspace designer Mr. Lin Yan. Among them, you can see Clara Schumann’s portrait,sculptural Miller Furniture and Belgian kaft Handmade Blanket. Follow monami’sbehind the scenes private space on the edge of the “inner bay”.





The house was designed by mon ami and her friend and interior designer Mr.Lin Yan, “This is indeed a contradictory relationship. As my friend, Iattach great importance to his opinions, but as my designer, we often need toaccommodate and wait for him to think. It’s like working with my family. Thedesigner team is too persistent in details and perfect process execution. Theyare willing to make decisions by themselves. This process needs to wait, andthe results really confirm every wait “It’s worth it in the end,”monami said. They’re polishing a work of art.






“I have a veryclear vision. I hope the space can be designed to be unexpectedly open and havemonami’s unique temperament. I try to get monami out of her comfort zone, butstill retain her inherent stubbornness and pride,” Mr. Lin Yan said.





Modern style and luxury are naturally integrated in this space, bothexaggerated and restrained. Mr. Lin Yan believes that excessive decoration isvery unnecessary. There are some things here, which are neither retro, norcompletely modern, of course, nor traditional. Although it may not be the samething, I hope it can redefine the way of contemporary design and life. “






Lin Yan extended thesemi open area in the space design. After the transformation, the space has anew interpretation. The full floor door and window system adds sufficientsunshine to the space, and the fuzzy scene boundary allows the life scenes tobe switched at will. We reserved a glass cat room in the middle of the house,which grew up with the family, The residence of cats is also a part of monami’sspecial attention. Monami takes them with her every time she attends theannouncement. She is the closest comrade in arms.





開放式西廚接連著陽光客餐廳與練琴房,形成一個完整空間,這是MonAmi與摯友在一起共享最多的空間,林彥先生希望這個空間可以記載他們的日常,而不是被功能框架所束縛,在我們的設計中這是一個“善變”的空間,我們叫它Life board,可隨意調整空間的機能形式,畢竟MonAmi太愛朋友亦樂於分享。

The open western kitchen connects the Sunshine Guest Restaurant and the piano practice room to form a complete space. This is the space that MonAmi and close friends share the most together. Mr. Lin Yan hopes that this space can record their daily lives, rather than being restricted by the functional framework. In our design, this is a “fickle” space. We call it Life board. You can adjust the function of the space at will. After all, MonAmi loves friends too much and is willing to share it.





Virgo monami ismeticulous, delicate and a little clean. She loves cats, but she can’t accept”one cat hair”. The design of the glass house solves this concernwell without “separation of people from pets”. People need to beaccompanied, and animals also have their own heaven and earth and are close athand.





The five elves have their own small world, where air conditioning, freshair, exhaust and monitoring are available. They are happy cats.





We moved the main dining table to the window, connected to the inner bay, Steinway&Sons piano, MonAmi likes to enjoy cooking in the open western kitchen, or watching close friends tease the cat, sitting next to the endless seascape, pushing cups for cups, or composing new songs at the desk For MonAmi, this third space can always bring her a steady stream of inspiration and enthusiasm.





Our living needs andunderstanding of beauty will slowly adjust, and the appearance of thisapartment will continue to change. ” A growing home should not only havethe tolerance to actively embrace life changes, but also record the timefootprint of family memory. Growth may be the best way to deal with time.





Miller Furniture with afull sense of sculpture and avant-garde coffee table are forged with solidmetal, just like a huge Swarovski. Purchased from livingchic.





“Habitat israndom, so it needs careful planning. Home has its logic, which is inseparablefrom real functionality and also reflected in the care of details.” loyalto the essence of life, it constructs an art home full of sunshine and love inthe combination of different home elements.







Monami plays Liszt -“chasing snow”, which is a fascinating realm. There is no coldfeeling at all, but the joy of chasing snow and empty enthusiasm and vision.





Simplify the trafficlines to the minimum, and completely release the hidden value of the housetype.





Bathroom marble with metal glaze kiln turned hand-made brick, eleganttouch, light luxury temperament, luxury without losing implication. The yieldof this handmade brick is very low. Each brick is one in a hundred.




Clara Schumann(克拉拉·舒曼)她是鋼琴演奏家,評論家,監製,作曲家,名人,母親和羅伯特·舒曼的妻子,被公認為19世紀有力量的女性。是MonAmi最為賞識的女性。

Clara Schumann is apianist, critic, producer, composer, celebrity, mother and wife of RobertSchumann. She is recognized as a powerful woman in the 19th century. She is themost appreciated woman in monami.






The bedroom has made atonal distinction and change. The color is themed with the wizard of Oz, anddark green, turmeric and natural light are intertwined to relax people’s bodyand mind. The atmosphere is calm and reveals some subtle playfulness.






Monami is a workaholic and has reserved a simple and exquisite lounge forher little assistant.




拍攝日選在MonAmi公演的時間線,這是她準備出發會場前記錄下來的,自律的她時刻都保持最佳的狀態。現場演繹Yann Tiersen作曲《La Valse Damelie》她總是如同Amelie般影響身邊的人,給身邊人帶來舒意。

Filming the timeline of monami’s return tour for the day, which wasrecorded before she was ready to leave the venue. She kept her best at alltimes with self-discipline. Live performance of La Valse damelie composed byYann tiersen. She always affects the people around her like Amelie and bringscomfort to the people around her.






“Meticulous”, the designer constantlybalances the overall pattern and micro-details. If it is a product, it cantruly blend into people’s environment and family life. This is the coreprofessional value that designer Lin Yan believes in.


技術圖紙 / Technical drawings


∇ 平麵圖




Project name:Pianist MonAmi Home
Design year &Completion Year:January2021 (start design) June 2021 (project completion)
Leader designer &Team:LinYan & DanYi
Special adviser:Zheng
Project location:China/Guangdong Province/ShantouCity/East Coast
建築麵積GrossBuilt Area (square meters):110M²
Partners:Casa:GOOD SELECTConstruction:Wenjin hardcover
主要材料:竹炭板(竹海)/大理石/彩鋼板/塗料/線型燈/ Steinway&Sons(聲學解決方案)
Main material: bamboocharcoal board (FLOWING BAMBOO) / marble / color steel plate / paint / linearlamp /Steinway&Sons(Acoustic Solutions)


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