
GAINLIVING remains committed to the core concept— “the design reflects the nature”—for its product research, brand development, and design.


東邦DESIGN 以“36.5℃ SPACE”為主題,36.5℃是人體的標準體溫,也是我們接觸的最舒適的溫度,這次疫情讓我們對它再熟悉不過,36.5°C決定著我們的健康。

像人體體溫一樣,生活也需要最適宜的溫度,不是如火焰般熱烈,更不是如鋼鐵般冰冷,隻需要保持最自然健康的狀態,36.5℃ SPACE便是如此。


Dongbang DESIGN uses “36.5℃ Space” as the theme, as 36.5℃ is the regular body temperature of humans, and also the most comfortable temperature for us. Amidst the pandemic, we all are familiar with it as it indicates whether we are healthy or not.

Like humans, life needs a most comfortable temperature as well. It does not need to be passionate as fire or cold as steels, what we need is the healthiest status of life. That makes “36.5℃ SPACE”.


∇ 展廳外觀,Exterior of the showroom

東邦設計,東莞GAINLIVING 家具店,家具店設計案例,家具展廳設計,家具展廳設計案例,展廳設計

東邦設計,東莞GAINLIVING 家具店,家具店設計案例,家具展廳設計,家具展廳設計案例,展廳設計


∇ 入口前廳,The entrance hall

東邦設計,東莞GAINLIVING 家具店,家具店設計案例,家具展廳設計,家具展廳設計案例,展廳設計

東邦設計,東莞GAINLIVING 家具店,家具店設計案例,家具展廳設計,家具展廳設計案例,展廳設計



Walking through a small door at the side, you’ll pass by a lobby where you can sit. Mounting the stairs, you will enter a courtyard living room and be greeted by a bar area, where you can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and watch the flowers bloom in the garden like what was depicted in ancient Chinese poetry.


∇ 吧台區域,Bar area

東邦設計,東莞GAINLIVING 家具店,家具店設計案例,家具展廳設計,家具展廳設計案例,展廳設計


∇ 展廳區A,The exhibition hall area A

東邦設計,東莞GAINLIVING 家具店,家具店設計案例,家具展廳設計,家具展廳設計案例,展廳設計

東邦設計,東莞GAINLIVING 家具店,家具店設計案例,家具展廳設計,家具展廳設計案例,展廳設計



The more plain the home space is, the more it can make people feel relaxed, returning to a simple but elegant life. The refine and tranquil design style, even in a limited space, can reveal the extraordinary aesthetic judgment, allowing people to feel the bright, warm, and delicate space and enjoy an immersive experience.


∇ 展廳區B,The exhibition hall area B

東邦設計,東莞GAINLIVING 家具店,家具店設計案例,家具展廳設計,家具展廳設計案例,展廳設計

東邦設計,東莞GAINLIVING 家具店,家具店設計案例,家具展廳設計,家具展廳設計案例,展廳設計


∇ 展廳區C,The exhibition hall area C

東邦設計,東莞GAINLIVING 家具店,家具店設計案例,家具展廳設計,家具展廳設計案例,展廳設計

東邦設計,東莞GAINLIVING 家具店,家具店設計案例,家具展廳設計,家具展廳設計案例,展廳設計


∇ 多樣化展廳場景,Various display spaces

東邦設計,東莞GAINLIVING 家具店,家具店設計案例,家具展廳設計,家具展廳設計案例,展廳設計

東邦設計,東莞GAINLIVING 家具店,家具店設計案例,家具展廳設計,家具展廳設計案例,展廳設計



To create an elegant and tranquil home space, the first thing that comes to mind is the natural materials that will keep their original states even with the passing of times, such as logs and cement. We respect the original nature of the materials and keep the traces and beauty left by time.


∇ 材質的碰撞交融,Materials

東邦設計,東莞GAINLIVING 家具店,家具店設計案例,家具展廳設計,家具展廳設計案例,展廳設計



The combination of logs and cement is not a simple presentation of style, but a rustic aesthetic that transcends time. The beauty of logs cannot be replicated artificially in a short time, even with the most exquisite craftsmanship; while the rough texture of cement and its solid and resolute form seems to make time freeze.


東邦設計,東莞GAINLIVING 家具店,家具店設計案例,家具展廳設計,家具展廳設計案例,展廳設計



Logs and cement will still present a touching charm with the passing of time. People with real experience will find that aesthetics is a perfect combination of people, home, and nature. When we are in such a space, what we feel is often even richer.


∇ 細部,Details

東邦設計,東莞GAINLIVING 家具店,家具店設計案例,家具展廳設計,家具展廳設計案例,展廳設計

東邦設計,東莞GAINLIVING 家具店,家具店設計案例,家具展廳設計,家具展廳設計案例,展廳設計


不刻意,更不能將就,建構是自然的聯係,這區別於大部分周邊的家具店,不張揚也不喧囂,而安靜自然的存在。36.5℃ SPACE,似田園詩般,更像是家。

What we have built is the connection with nature, not by deliberation, or as a makeshift. This is what makes us different from most of the furniture stores nearby. We are not flashy nor noisy, but quiet and natural. Like an idyll, 36.5℃ SPACE is more like home.


東邦設計,東莞GAINLIVING 家具店,家具店設計案例,家具展廳設計,家具展廳設計案例,展廳設計

東邦設計,東莞GAINLIVING 家具店,家具店設計案例,家具展廳設計,家具展廳設計案例,展廳設計


∇ 平麵圖,Plane view

東邦設計,東莞GAINLIVING 家具店,家具店設計案例,家具展廳設計,家具展廳設計案例,展廳設計





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