
CINESKY Space Party: Selling Limited Romance




In The Three-body Problem, Cixin Liu tells the story of information exchange, life and death struggle between human civilization on Earth and three-body civilization and the rise and fall of the two civilizations in the universe.In Interstellar, Christopher Nolan historically presented the “wormhole” theory on the Hollywood screen, refreshing human’s view of the universe with the fifth dimension, traveling through wormholes and interstellar voyage.So, if the surreal space scenes in the movie are brought to the cinema, what kind of spatial narrative will it be?

In 2021, Oft Interiors x Vanke CINE SKY Cinema created an anti-gravity space cinema in Vanke Plaza, Longgang, Shenzhen. The story starts with a lost astronaut, a space journey and an unknown planet ……


電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品




Mankind yearns for space and treats stardust as the heartbeat of the universe. We have always known the universe from novels, movies, from planetariums, and from scientific martyrs.

In this context, OFT creates an unknown planet with a new imagination. The design is inspired by scientists’ discovery of the “redshift phenomenon” in the universe, which is, the light from distant planets to Earth is more red light. The design is to revive the dark red light shimmering in the galaxy.


電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品



Oft Interiors creates a virtual galaxy with a new imagination, takes design circulation as the logic of narrative to build three scenes of “Big Bang”, “Interstellar” and “Unknown Planet – Solaris”, to complete the thinking of consensus issues such as time, space and life, and to invite the audience to enter the cosmic dreamland.


電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品



The lobby tells the story of the “Big Bang”, which is the beginning of time and space, as well as the beginning of light, gravity, and the elements, a hidden story line called “birth” that secretly coincides with the “beginning” function of the theater lobby.


電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品



Using the hollow structure of the original building, the designer uses rings as “planet” shaped devices through stainless steel and other hard materials. These fixed devices seem to float randomly but in an orderly manner between the sky, just like planets following the gravitational laws of the universe.


The huge ring shape and a large number of dangling devices create an ethereal floating feeling, which is like being in an infinite universe, allowing us to trigger various strange wavelengths with free will and preference, and to have a dialogue with ourselves and unknown species.


電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品



A mirror that can bend the dreamworld maps out the endless darkness. As Cixin Liu wrote in The Three-body Problem, the universe was once bright. Shortly after the Big Bang of creation, all matter existed in the form of light, and then the universe turned into burned ashes before the heavy elements were precipitated in the darkness and formed planets and life. Therefore, darkness is the mother of life and civilization.


電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品

電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品

電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品


導視標識靈感是一個凹陷的月球表麵,靈感來自平克·弗洛伊德(Pink Floyd)專輯《月之暗麵》(《The Dark Side of The Moon》),設計師用可以隱藏的暗麵,完成這場讓人分不清真假虛實的視覺遊戲。

The signage is a sunken surface of the moon, inspired by Pink Floyd’s album:  The Dark Side of the Moon. The designer uses the dark side that can be hidden to complete this visual game that makes it hard to distinguish the real from the fake.


電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品

電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品

電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品



With the human exploration of space, astronauts are therefore constantly doing interstellar travel.


電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品



After entering the second floor, this “ring road” around the movement of the heavenly bodies tries to respond to the philosophical question: Where should we go from here?


電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品



At this time, the universe we observe while sailing in space is like a polymer of dream and reality, producing ever-changing visual effects in different angles and light and shadow, making the audience forget their daily life and completing a three-dimensional and wonderful aesthetic experience in an unconscious moment.


電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品

電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品

電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品

電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品



From the Milky Way to the solar system and other unknown planets, the design team uses the simplest materials to show the most complex echoes of the universe.


電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品



Exploring the relationship between people and space in the form of a VIP cinema hall, the punchline is the blurred border between spaces, which is also the chaotic form of the universe.


When we finally reached the unknown planet, Solaris, it was probably the loneliest moment for mankind during the space voyage.


電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品

電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品

電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品

電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品

電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品



Because this is a story about the future, the audience entering the theater will be surrounded by a sense similar to the space of universe, where the audience can observe the movement of the planets on the walls, as the meteors of civilization pass by. The universe remembers their light, thus bursting with a fiery, sensual and innocent energy.


電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品

電影院設計,深圳電影院設計,電影院設計案例,萬科廣場新天影院,新天影院,龍崗萬科廣場新天影院,深圳龍崗新天影院,OFT設計,Oft,Oft Interiors Ltd,Oft設計作品



Unknown celestial bodies and planets run through the entire cinema space, from the beginning to the end of the story. By observing the differences between the faces of multi-dimensional perspectives, the audience can find the natural rhythm of the inner harmony of the universe and gain a unique multi-level viewing experience.

探索、發現、構建,是人類的本能。在CINE SKY新天影院中,我們尋求共鳴,尋求關於太空,關於生命的體驗。


It is human instinct to explore, to discover, and to build. In CINE SKY Cinema, we seek empathy and experiences about space and life.

Oft Interiors uses three scenes to show a clear story line, perfectly combining space, story, and scene, projecting emotions and instincts in space, brilliantly completing the scene proposition of CINE SKY Cinema, and writing this surreal space epic. When in space, looking back at the smallness and greatness of human beings, it is the curiosity and love that make us unable to stop exploring another space-time until the stardust is captured one by one.



項目名稱 | 龍崗萬科廣場新天影院
項目地址 | 廣東·深圳
項目麵積 | 3600㎡
竣工時間 | 2021年12月
業主單位 | 新天影院
室內設計 | OFT設計
項目攝影 | Sean

Project Name | Longgang Vanke Plaza CINESKY Cinema
Project Address | Guangdong-Shenzhen
Project Area | 3600㎡
Completion Date | December 2021
Owner | CINESKY Cinema
Interior Design | Oft Interiors
Project Photography | Sean



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