受青島本土買手品牌尤宿UIXIU委托,今朝風日好(One Fine Day Studio & Partners,以下簡稱ofD)為其打造了位於老牌高級百貨海信廣場中的第四家店鋪,委托方希望新門店呈現的氛圍是複古時髦,貼合所在場地氣質,並能容納新加入的古典中式風格品牌。

Commissioned by UIXIU, a local multi-brand boutique of Qingdao, One Fine Day Studio & Partners(refer to as ofD) conceived its fourth store located in the luxury shopping mall Hisense Plaza. The client demanded a retro and slick mood for the new fit-out in order to fit in with the stylish mall context and provide a suitable milieu for the upcoming classic Chinese style collections.


One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡

One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡



Looking to the Ancient Roman architecture aesthetics for inspiration, ofD brought a solemn and grandiose sensibility and pragmatism spatial order into the location, using natural stone materials as main components to build a space aesthetic that blends the sense of eternity and vibrancy, echoing the curated boutique’s ethos — selecting the finest and maintaining the style through ups and downs of fashion trends.


One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡



著色 · 靜謐與生機 / Tranquil and Lively Palette


The starting point for the design is to amplify the sensory attraction of materials and colors to distinct the brand’s characteristics among its variegated mall neighbors. ofD took marble as a pivot element to construct the spatial atmosphere, using its visual weight and varying hues to capture customers’ attention at the first sight. 


One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡

One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡



The door comprises of two oversized granite slabs, whose simply polished surfaces resemble the unprocessed jades. Selected to add an oriental flavor, the delicate and warm green neutralizes the cold and horny feeling of the material.  As the prima color of the space, different shades of green  symbolize a growing vitality.  Along with the peaceful apricot tone, it separates the store from the outside hustle and bustle, allowing natural liveliness extend in the quiet space.


One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡

One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡



The rhythm of the store is composed by the evolving colors which are gradually added from the entry to the rear, evoking multiple layers of responses and imaginations. In the middle area, a mahogany granite partition wall is placed to contrast with the restrained light-tone base hues, brightening the space with its dense color.


One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡

One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡



At the rear of the store, a blue display shelf brings an air of freshness into the space. Comprised by four color codes, the harmonious color scheme recalls the unique horizon scenery of the coastal city Qingdao:  blue sea and sky, meadows and distant hills, red tile buildings and white stone banks…… The combination brings back a refreshing regional memory, aligning the customers and the space.


One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡

One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡



肌理 · 動感與觸覺 / Vibrant and Tactile Texture 


Modular display tables and decorative panels stand still, whereas a flow of movement and vibrant dialogues are formed among their patterns and textures. Without physical links, those marks ripple over the material surfaces, all engaging in a silent visual play. 


One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡

One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡



Aesthetic pleasure lives in the details. As visual and tactile stimulations of materials bring to mind the delicacy of fabrics and craftsmanship, ofD took a design approach with a focus on textures to create an impressive offline shopping experience.


One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡

One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡

One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡



Hard-surface materials, such as porous travertine and bumpy plaster walls, feature with obvious scratches and dents as if they are the traces of time. Comparing to such “imperfect” is the softness of the new life: the cylindrical hanging rails are wrapped with soft recycled leather and the lush moss backdrop wall-covering is actually made of fluffy fabrics, reminiscent of an endless grass-field, fulfilling the space with a free spirit natural vibe. 


One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡



構造 · 秩序與重置 / A Rearranged Space in Order


Following the guide of order and practicability, ofD rearranged the layout, emphasizing a visual sense of axis and the depth of the store. Although the planning is not strictly symmetrical, it can still lead eyes to trace the invisible axis line and look deeper into the inner area to get an overall impression of the store’s style and selections, while also leaves blank for further exploration.


One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡

One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡

One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡



The evenly arranged ceiling light panels are in coffer form, resembling the significant dome of the Pantheon, bathing the interior through filter plates in a classical glow. On both side, hanging rails act as directional lines, inviting customers to step into the space.


One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡



At the entrance, the sculpture-shape center island, combining display and cashier functions, incarnates a practical consideration for efficient use of the space as well as a design intention for enhancing the solemn sensibility. With a sinuous structure, the island also lead the customer flow to go inside. The fitting room is divided into several independent boxes, two of which are placed in the middle of the store. The pair’s two inward-facing sides are clad with mirrors, whose reflections add a sense of layer to the space.


One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡

One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡



The display components can be assembled freely, while their frames were remolded into chunky volumes to harmonize with the other heavy blocks. Their hollow structures ensure a sense of transparency in the space. From different points of view, the structure either becomes an object in the painting or a picture frame for showcasing wear collections. 


One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡



From a spatial planing based on a pragmatism perspective to a sensory aesthetic concept — implemented with multiple colors, tactile materials, and precise attention to details, everything was designed to create layers and dialogues within the space, setting an enchanting poetic atmosphere. Both tranquil and vibrancy, sometimes clear and sometimes vague, the subtle and evocative spatial experience also enriches UIXIU’s brand imagery.


One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡


∇ 平麵圖

One Fine Day Studio & Partners,服裝店設計,買手店,服裝精品店,今朝風日好,青島,UIXIU Boutique,買手店設計,女裝店設計,女裝店設計案例,今朝風日好設計作品,152㎡



今朝風日好(One fine day studio & partners)


One Fine Day Studio & Partners is established in Shantou University, 2010. Later in 2013, One Fine Day based in Guangzhou,focused in Visual Design、Interior Design、Art Installation and Brand Integration. 

OFD initiate the individual designs, devoting to offer efficient programs for every client by exploring the branding DNA, with solid design capacity of multi-media and outstanding understanding of communications between brand and the market.

李俊鵬,今朝風日好(One fine day studio & partners)聯合創始人,設計作品曾榮獲多個國際設計獎項(Architizer A+Awards、意大利A’Design Award等),現主要負責空間及藝術裝置設計創意顧問,專注於挖掘材料的多種可能性及生活藝術化創新。

Jump Li, Co-founder of One fine day studio & partners, has won many international design awards (Architizer A+Awards, Italian A’Design Award, etc.) for his design works. Now he is mainly responsible for space and art installation design creative consultants, focusing on exploring the various possibilities of materials and the artistic innovation of life.



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