LOFT中國感謝來自Goodby Design設計事務所的複合型複古購物商場案例分享:


For southerners from the coast, Beijing may be remembered for its grey climate in addition to its hutongs.

If they landed at Beijing’s nanyuan airport, they might not believe they came to Beijing, a big city.

Dongcheng district is rich, xicheng district wide, chongwen district poor, xuanwu district broken.


▽ 原始建築內部照片
北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所

北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所

北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所

北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所


In the summer of 2017, when we came into contact with the project, the whole south city was in a state of demolition, with the unfinished walls and the single-built houses, but it had its most special side.


Our project is in a newly developed commercial complex in the fourth ring road of south city.Beijing old store is the fourth branch store of xiamen old store, and it is also the only commercial space in a large shopping mall in the traditional sense of combining with historic buildings.


北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所


In the original design of this site, we hope to bring a different memory playground and the most important business shopping experience to the adults who were children in our way.

We have all been to a lot of space, it used to put something in the entrance, the design and materials in the space are no longer can be recalled part of the space, but we will remember the feeling when coming to this space, will never be changed.

We can’t change it. It is a comprehensive social problem. But can we leave something behind?

Excessive patterns and symbols in the design process are not culture, the spiritual world we want to convey is the meaning.

I want our design to eliminate the sense of distance.In the design, we decided to excavate the local demolition materials and apply them in the design.

A large part of the material on the facade of the site comes from the abandoned “waste” from the demolition of the south city.

The material table is changed from the original plan to the completion of the project.

Material in space is the best way to express the trace of time, which may only require you to stand on its opposite to perceive the texture of its surface.

As a regular commercial space design, we hope to highlight the sales products in the retail space in the design, so that guests can feel the objects in the space rather than the attraction points brought by the design in the shopping of the site, and take the design back into the second line of sight.

The scene created in the scene includes an old waiting station;Photo studio.The site is designed with a vintage bike riding lane. In the 150M washed stone driveway, you can experience cycling.A retro commercial street for removable mobile homes;Moving walls.


北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所

北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所

北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所

北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所

北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所

北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所

北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所

北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所

北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所

北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所

According to the needs of sales can be stacked and pieced together, the main entrance is the old wooden boxes collected by guangzhou to be transformed into entrance doors.Recycled old tin roof used in the recycling center.

Through the use of products in the 1970s and 1980s, different scenes created for the display background of the store.

The space contains kitchen, tile theme products and daily manual courses, furniture sales, cafe, tile building materials, tile extension products, second-hand furniture and new furniture, etc.

On the material uses the old-fashioned traditional craft and the old building materials removal and recovery material as the main material.Minimize the re-production of waste construction waste, odor and other pollution.


▽ 局部動圖展示
北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所

▽ 局部動圖展示
北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所

▽ 局部動圖展示
北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所

▽ 局部動圖展示
北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所

▽ 鳥瞰圖
北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所

▽ 鳥瞰圖
北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所

▽ 平麵布置圖
北京舊物倉,北京建築改造,複古商城設計,北京舊建築廠房改造設計,複合型複古購物商場,Goodby Design設計事務所


項目名稱: 北京舊物倉
設計公司: Goodby Design設計事務所
項目屬性:複合型複古商業 商場
主要材料:回收老木板 回收水泥花磚 水洗石 水磨石 回收材料 鐵皮 熱軋鋼板
完成時間: 2018.07
版權歸屬:design © Goodby Design / photos © Goodby Design