全球最大的地毯生產商Shaw Industries旗下高端品牌Shaw Contract通過采用舒適但鼓舞人心的地毯設計,繼續重新構想以酒店為中心的環境,如最新的名為Forum的係列。

Commercial flooring leader Shaw Contract continues to reimagine what hospitality-centric environments look like by incorporating comfortable, yet inspiring rug designs, like their latest collection called Forum.

設計的特點是在中性色調中合並和重疊線條,大膽的曲線和圖形元素,其色彩範圍是從淺奶油色到深黑色。該紋理係列擁有17種寬幅圖案和10種18 x 36方塊地毯圖案,將改變傳統酒店和商業空間美學的理念,創造出更加現代、溫馨的空間。

The designs feature merging and overlapping lines, bold curves, and graphic elements in a neutral palette that ranges from light creams to a deep black. With 17 broadloom patterns and 10 18″ x 36″ carpet tile patterns, the textural collection will change the idea of typical hotel and commercial space aesthetics to create more modern, welcoming spaces.


商業空間,地毯設計,Shaw Contract,產品展示

商業空間,地毯設計,Shaw Contract,產品展示

商業空間,地毯設計,Shaw Contract,產品展示


Shaw公司的設計師Alyssa Gagnon說到:“該設計受到了文化和工藝的影響,使用圖案和紋理喚能起一種幸福感,但同時也作為一種視覺刺激手段。”

“The designs are a fusion of cultural and craft influences, using pattern and texture to evoke a sense of wellbeing, but also as a means of visual stimulation.” – Alyssa Gagnon, Designer for Shaw Contract


商業空間,地毯設計,Shaw Contract,產品展示

商業空間,地毯設計,Shaw Contract,產品展示

商業空間,地毯設計,Shaw Contract,產品展示

商業空間,地毯設計,Shaw Contract,產品展示

商業空間,地毯設計,Shaw Contract,產品展示



Along with the broadloom and tile patterns, the collection includes four designs in different shapes that could easily be jumping off points for larger, custom rugs.


商業空間,地毯設計,Shaw Contract,產品展示

商業空間,地毯設計,Shaw Contract,產品展示


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